Birth Debrief & Healing Session

Unravel the threads of your birth experience and be held in a sacred healing space to finally heal and find your power. Partners are absolutely welcome and will find healing too.

Make it stand out.

Birth trauma affects more than 1 in 3 women in Australia. This is completely unacceptable. Women should be leaving their births feeling high, in ecstasy, feeling powerful and healed. It should not be a traumatic experience but our systems are failing women. My mission is to end this era of birth trauma by holding mothers to heal their previous trauma to then go on and have healing powerful and ecstatic birth experiences and confident, self-empowered mothering journeys.

Birth Trauma effects partners as well…What they witnessed, how they felt helpless, powerless. It affects everyone involved because the wellness of the mother is integral to the wellness of the entire family.

Birth debriefing is a really important part of the birth process. Sitting in circle with a fellow woman to share your experiences and heal what has caused distress and disappointment no matter how far post partum you are… days, weeks or years.

What does this session entail?

A 2 hr session where we unpack your previous birth. This is a deeply healing session to explore what happened during your previous birth, heal birth trauma and integrate the lessons so you can find peace, empowerment and move into motherhood or your next birth feeling confident in complete self trust.

I will be using a number of techniques during our session depending on what you need including, neuro-emotional technique (NET) which is a combination of somatic breath work, kinesiology and cognitive behavioural therapy, reiki, EFT tapping and trauma informed talk therapy.

As a naturopath I have a depth of knowledge of the nervous system and am able to teach you techniques to practice to keep doing the healing work once our session is over. These are skills you can use in any stressful or traumatic situation to help cope and heal so you aren’t left traumatised like what happened in your birth.

I look forward to unravelling the threads of your birth experience and holding you in a sacred healing space to finally heal and find your power. Partners are absolutely welcome and will find healing too.